Saturday 7 February 2015


Wake up early today to head over to Tanjong Pagar for my pre-employment medical checkup while dear dear orh orh kun at home first. So cute to see her sleeping soundly as I make my way out de.

Today is the day for me to thank Guan Yin Niang Niang for her blessing to me for blessing me with the position of the Compliance Executive that I always wanted. Really so happy when I gotten the news from the HR on the confirmation of my job application. Really thankful that dear is so supportive by being by my side throughout this long and dreadful period of time and never giving up faith in me at all. 

Enjoying walking around Bugis with dear and seeing my favourite things; which is LEGO toys hehe cos they never fails to make me happy too. Head over to Vivo City for a walk with the girlfriend and shop for some Chinese New Year clothes lalala. Feel so happy to have the girlfriend by my side all these while :)

My cute cute dear dear with her Kick Scooter as we walk around the Pasar Malam

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