Saturday 14 February 2015

Our Valentine Together

We're celebrating another year of our Valentines' Day together now and I really want it to be everlasting. I can't wait to live my whole life with the girlfriend and for us to have a home of our own.

I really cannot live my life without the girlfriend by my side and I never want for this day to come. I would rather run a 1000 miles to get to her then having to see her going further and further away from me. I love you alot.

Had our Valentines' Day dinner over at Kiseki Restaurant @ Orchard Central once again. I really love the food here, plus the soya bean is really nice too hehe. My girlfriend is so going to kill me if I say that again, because who else will spend almost $50 and kept on talking about the cheapest thing on the menu instead of the expensive items.

I feel so blissful and Yi Kai to have dear by my side, and I really never want to lose her at all. 

Walk around town area with the girlfriend trying to see if there's any shirt for me to buy for Chinese New Year. Lalala I got a very nice and new shirt from Abercrombie & Fitch (A&F) and the girlfriend got it from me. Like the shirt so much that I kept looking at it ^_^

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