Sunday 31 August 2014

Casual Sunday

Finally had my haircut today and I look so Dai Dai now with this short hair style look T.T

Lalala it's a happy Sunday because I can finally head to Kovan Food Centre for my favourite Curry Chicken Bee Hoon ^_^ Loving the food over here so much. Afterwhich we drove all the way to Pasir Ris Farmway to look at the doggies there and let dear dear look at how poor the condition is that those poor doggies are living in :( Don't you just wish you can save all of the doggies from the puppy mill.

Finally we have the whole LINE family reunion photo of Brown daddy, Cony mummy, Xiao Xiao Brown and Sally aka Little Weird Thing :) So Yi Kai when I am putting them side by side together lalala. 

Had our delicious dinner over at the Nakhon Kitchen at Kovan Hougang Street 21 today. So Yi Kai again because it's been such a long time since we had our dinner here. Afterwhich we went over to Hougang Mall to get more of the doggies snacks from NTUC, as well as the bedding for bunny Loopie. Lalala dear finally managed to buy her Rayman PS4 game tonight too.

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