Friday 15 August 2014

The Fear for Friday to come

Well, if there's no exam for Saturday I will definitely look forward to the weekends, but now I am constantly looking at my watch hoping that I have 1 more day to prepare. I guess that is us humans, we always want more time for the things we are unprepared for. :( 

I need to jiayou for the future that I want with dear dear. I am so scared that I will let dear down :( I must jiayou jiayou jiayou de. 

Meet dear for lunch today lalala. Dear bring me to Golden Shoe market for lunch. The 2nd floor seems to have alot of nice food but then the crowd is just too crazy that we can't even have the space to walk at all. And so, we ended up at the 3rd floor which is of lesser crowd which I later found out the painful reason behind it. Our food are not as nice T.T

Stayed at the Starbucks over at Hoong Leong Finance for my mugging session. No amount of coffee seems to be enough to perks me up for the amount of data I need to store into my head at all :(

Lalala me and dear went to Serangoon NEX Mall for our dinner today. Had our cheap and nice bee hoon since there are alot of food I can't eat due to my ongoing cough that is killing me. We went to NTUC to stock up on the doggies food again lalala. I love to walk walk with dear at NTUC like married couples do. hehe :)

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