Saturday 30 August 2014

Saturdate Movie - Into the Storm

After bringing the doggies out for lunch, we head back home for a little nap time before heading out ourselves for a date :) Went to Orchard Road since it's been sometime since we actually came here due to my hectic exam schedule previously. So Yi Kai to walk around with dear, and we managed to buy a new Playstation 4 game too. Lalala. 

Had Ayam Penyet for our dinner today though our favourite fish wasn't on the menu today :( Lalala guess what, we had some new add-ons to our LINE collection again. I really love it whenever I get to see dear dear smile until so happy when she know she have some more LINE soft toys and accessories ^_^

dear dear with Sally aka Little Weird Thing :)

Sally enjoying her Starbucks and Cookie Crumble Cheese Cake

Lalala finally it's time for our movie date again. Lalala watching Into The Storm tonight at 7.20pm, and the movie only last for 80mins which is less than the average movie which probaby last for 2hours or so. Lalala Feeling so Yi Kai today :)

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