Friday 22 August 2014

Trip to Kuala Lumpur

Finally the day has come for me and dear to go on a short vacation to Kuala Lumpur and Malacca together with Xiao Xiao Brown and YiXin and KeKe LeLe :) Had to wake up at 7am since we're taking bus from Vivo City all the way to Kuala Lumpur. Lalala me so Yi Kai :) 

Took the Aeroline bus to Kuala Lumpur which took us almost 6 hours of journey but with the kind of service that Aeroline provides to us, I would say the journey was a pleasant one :)

- Love is beginning a journey together :) -

Finally we are here in Kuala Lumpur and back to our Capitol Hotel safely with Xiao Xiao Brown and YiXin and KeKe LeLe :)

First Stop: Visit to Petaling Street where there are many stalls selling items ranging from Jerseys to T-shirts to handbags at cheap grab away for any tourists wanting to get some cheap buys back home. Tried the Wanton Mee over here which is kinda different but then I think it's kinda salty though. Managed to grab two pieces of Jerseys, and dear also managed to get a bag for herself and my mum :) Dear Dear always so thoughtful de :)

Second Stop: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC). The KLCC is really beautiful, and I think its the most beautiful architecture in the whole of Malaysia. Hehe Orh Yi Orh Xiao Xiao Brown swinging by :p

And so we walked around the beautiful park right infront of the KLCC till it's night time before the lights on the KLCC is lighted up. I love holding dear hand and just walk around together cos it makes me feel so happy :)

Third Stop: Bukit Bintang Street Food. Taking a cab here in Malaysia is always a challenge because u never know when it's gonna be "fixed price" or by the meter. And that is something I dislike about here, never a fan of touting anyway. 

Bukit Bintang is a place whereby there are more than 10 different stalls selling "Zhu Cao" so I guess one can never run out of ideas what to eat if you're thinking of coming here for dinner. Me and dear ordered BBQ Chicken Wings, Tomyum Seafood Beehoon, Bak Kut Teh, Hokkien Mee, and Chu Chu.

- Our rewards after a long day, time to rest and prepare to head to Malacca tomorrow -

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