Thursday 14 August 2014

Knowledge Examphobia

Went over to Finlayson Green today to spend some time with dear by having lunch together at Raffles Place. Lalala I got to eat the Curry Chicken Noodles (S$5) again after such a long time since the last time I tried it. It's really nice although I think the price is really a killer for anyone who works in the Central Business District (CBD) area here.

I am feeling so happy getting to hold her hand and walk around Raffles Place area and dear show me around this area which I am so unfamiliar with. There are so many turns and corners around here, me not sha gua also will lost my way around here de lalala. 

Went over to the Starbucks at Hoong Leong Finance building for the mugging for my Knowledge Management Exam for later. So scary de time is running out for me T.T

Yeah fetch dear from work as we went straight to YaKun at POMO for our light dinner and for my last minute mugging. I am so nervous today.

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