Sunday 24 August 2014

Malacca -> Singapore

Our short getaway trip to Kuala Lumpur and Malacca ended so fast, I wish we could have stayed longer here in Malacca. It'll be great to just chill and relax in the Hattan Hotel since it's one of the tip top hotel that really makes one wanna stay in bed for as long as possible. 

I really need to look into what I eat though cos I been having diarrhea for the 5th time during our short vacation, and worse I cut off a big piece of my skin off my face when I used their shaver which proved to be way too sharp. So Emo cos it really hurts both ways. 

Taking the Lapan Lapan bus back to Singapore again lalala but this time round I got PS Vita to play for the entire trip hehe no wonder my eyes was so tired by the time we got back to Singapore. 

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