Saturday 29 November 2014


Meet up with dear over at Orchard as we head over to Far East Plaza for our dinner. A new French restaurant called "SAVEUR" for the night where there are bound to be Foie Gras, duck confit and Pasta ^_^ Yummy Yummy

- Foie Fras with Apple S$9.90 -

 - Pasta S$4.90 -

- Confit of Duck S$12.90 -

Well, in my opinion I think Saveur serves cheap and affordable french food if anyone of us got a sudden craving for french food. The price wouldn't hurt anyone's wallet and the food taste pretty good too although I have tasted better :p

Yeah lalala me and dear walk walk at Takashimaya after our dinner. Dear got me a Christmas present too, and it's my favourite Starwars Lego toys. I really love it alot. I don't need expensive wallet or branded goods to be happy, as long as it's something I love lalala and it's by my beloved girlfriend ^_^

Head over to Plaza Singapura as we relax over a cup of Starbucks coffee and watch the 唐山到南洋 using the Toggle. Lalala simple life doing simple things with the girlfriend :) And we managed to shop for some Christmas decorations and a santa claus clothes for Tessa too.

As usual I am kept occupied with so many things in my head that it's really going to explode but I just prefer to keep it inside my own head and try to just settle it all by myself. But today, I let it all out to dear and she told me that she'll always be there for me :") Dear Dear ease the load off my shoulder alot alot alot.. I love my girlfriend. :''')

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