Monday 24 November 2014

Dear got her iPhone 6 Plus GOLD

My Sha Gua girlfriend finally got her 64GB Apple iPhone 6 Plus Gold after weeks of waiting and refreshing the M1 website on the stock availability. But little do we know that we had to face so many challenges to finally get our hands on the phone. And so the story goes like this:

Woke up as early as 8.35am today and probably still in a daze when I refresh the stock availability in M1 website at 9am and saw that there is stocks available ^_^ And so we left the house in a hurry to Clementi Mall by taking the taxi that cost us S$17 to get there. Initially I was so happy to see that we are the 8th person in line, so I told dear confirm will get the iPhone 6 Plus 1 lah, so imagine the expression on my face when the M1 staff told me that it is out of stock!! We couldn't imagine that the staffs are not able to tell us the exact stocks they actually replenish. 5? 6? ROFL (-_-") 

Never Underestimate the Anger of those who work in Service Line too!

Lucky the staff was able to reserve and bring the iPhone 6 Plus from Bugis outlet after I kinda refuse to leave the M1 shop at all. I guess when we are working in the service line as well, we tend to expect a certain level of customer service too. Glad that dear is finally able to get her iPhone 6 Plus when we meet up with Valerie at the M1 CSC @ IMM ^_^ Lucky one of the customers give up the stock for the iPhone. Good things are really worth the wait. 

Our Ma La Xiang Guo lunch with Val today

- The girlfriend's iPhone 6 Plus -

My iPad Mini and dear's iPhone 6 Plus

- Our Golden Nuggets hehe -

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