Sunday 9 November 2014

Dear's Graduation from UOW

Lalala today is a happy day because my beloved girlfriend is finally graduating from University of Wales after 3 long years of mugging for her Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Banking and Investment Management. Left home together with dear as we head over to Raffles City Convention Centre for the graduation ceremony :) 

I am my girlfriend's most VVIP guest today hehe.. So happy to see dear graduating from the school le. All her hardwork are finally rewarded today after 3 years of efforts and she can graduate together with her classmates like YuanYuan, Ziying and Serene ^_^

It's Meet-the-Parents session today too as I get to meet the future parents in law who came down all the way from Batu Pahat :) Dear got so many flowers today from her parents and her Gu Gu. I am so happy that everything went on smoothly today. I wish that I can one day seek their approval and well wishes for dear de hand in marriage lalala ^_^ hehe

Had so much fun today during the photoshoot with dear and her friends for their graduating shoot at Raffles Hotel. Lalala

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