Sunday 9 November 2014

Movie Sundate

It's a happy Sunday for me today. Me and dear went over to Kovan Hawker Centre for lunch today before heading over to Vivo City for a walk. Lalala me like to hold dear de hand and walk around cos Hen Xing Fu hehe ^_^

Dear Dear so cute de when we're watching the Interstellar movie because she kept looking around like trying to see if people are falling asleep de hehe. So cute to see her fidgeting around in her seat waiting to see if there will be any action scene throughout the 3 hours movie. My dear dear is so not into Sci-Fi movie hehe. My Bad :p

A brief idea of what the movie is about: With our time on Earth coming to an end, a team of explorers undertakes the most important mission in human history; traveling beyond this galaxy to discover whether mankind has a future among the stars. 

What I love about the movie was towards the end of it  when the main lead Cooper (starring Matthew McConaughey) comes to a halt in an extra-dimensional space where time is not linear and he realizes the extra-dimensional beings that his daughter told him about are in fact a future form of humanity who have evolved to the point of transcending three-dimensional time and space. "They" then come back in time to create the wormhole to ensure humanity's survival. Now equipped with TARS's data on the singularity, Cooper is able to communicate with her daughter Murph across the dimensional barrier from inside a tesseract through the gravitational waves, making him the "ghost" from her childhood and guiding her on the final mission of the mass evacuation of Humans for survival.

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