Thursday 13 November 2014

绝世好剑 & 败亡之剑

Today meet up with dear dear le then we went over to Potong Pasir MRT to pick up Ziying to return their UOW Graduation gowns together to the Boardway photo studio as well as collect the complementary group photo taken of them on the actual day. Thereafter me and dear dear went over to Lao Zhong Zhong coffeeshop to have our dinner. It's been awhile since we been here for the prawn crackers, marcaroni and porridge :) Yummy Yummy food. 

Lalala I finally got my hand on the 1:1 败亡之剑 tonight. Lalala so happy because I really wanted to have it last time but then it was way beyond my reach financially. So now I am finally a proud owner of this pre owned 败亡之剑 :) Do you know that both the 绝世好剑 and 败亡之剑 are made from 一块千年寒铁 thus they are considered the 兄弟 in the 风云 comics. 

Lalala my Dear Dear girlfriend love me so much that she wanna get the 败亡之剑 for me lalala :) Me very loved by my girlfriend ^_^ hehe

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