Sunday 23 November 2014

Our Saturdate

It's a happy Saturday today. Woke up to breakfast of my favourite Vegetarian Bee Hoon bought by the mother before she head out for work. Stayed home just playing the PS4 Dynasty Warrior game that I bought from Carosell before heading out with the girlfriend. 

Head over to Kaplan @ Wilkie Edge for the registration of the Diploma in Commerce for Melody before we walk over to School of the Arts coz I wanna check out the newly opened Kki cake shop. I really like the taste of their cakes but then it's just way too expensive for a small slice of cake but then again, sometimes it's Taste > Price. 

The girlfriend is so cute today because we set our dinner around 6.30pm but when it's only 4pm, dear dear ask me will we make it in time =p Erm.. dear dear de appetite must be real good today hehe.. Loving my cute girlfriend. 

Walk around aimlessly in the human crowd at Ngee Ann City (Takashimaya) to shop for the Christmas Present for the colleague gift exchange at the boss house this coming Saturday. Love holding the girlfriend hands when we walk around :)

And so it's finally time for our favourite dinner at Orchard whenever we are here. The Ayam Penyet at Lucky Plaza. Simply delicious ^_^

Was walking around town and eventually we entered into this new Orchard Gateway where the shop is selling furniture. I really hope that one day I can go shop for furnitures together with dear for our new home. The home that we call our own. I want to earn more money, save more money for our marriage and our future. Hope that I can succeed in life and be somebody one day. 

Got this beautiful pair of earrings for the beloved girlfriend who is the centre of my life.

Yeah lalala finally dear dear bring me to DOME for the Mocha with Gelato after months of wait hehe

 Resting our tired feets at DOME before our movie "The Hunger Games - The Mocking Jay Part 1"

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