Friday 27 March 2015

The 6 Hours Wait

It was indeed a very dark and gloomy week for Singapore since the passing of Mr Lee Kuan Yew. Everywhere you go, you'll notice that the notices on all MRT stations and majority of the companies will flash pictures of the passing of our founding father.

Luckily my new work place grants us time off to pay our respect to the late Lee Kuan Yew as I went to meet up with the girlfriend to get our dinner and 2 white roses from the florist shop at Raffles Place MRT before heading over to Cityhall to join in the queue. Although the weather is pretty hot as we there queuing from 6pm onwards but we know it's gonna be worth the wait. It took us about 6 hours to reach the Parliament House from the Padang field and although we're so tired but when we got there, our mood starts to sets in...

Queuing up to pay our respect & gratitude to the man who helped built a Nation. It is also at times like this that we see how united our fellow Singaporeans and people who know gratitude & respect can be.

The hours we spent standing and the distance we took are nothing compared to the things he did to transform Singapore from a third world country to a 1st class country.

1923 - 2015

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Our Tribute to Lee Kuan Yew

It's been two days since the passing of Mr Lee Kuan Yew, and with the overwhelming display of his life documentary all over the television, social media and that of newspaper, it's hard not to notice the things that he have done for the nation building of our country, Singapore. 

After the announcement of the visiting time for people who would like to pay their tribute to the late Lee Kuan Yew was out, people from all walks of life started coming together as one. News erupted of the huge number of people queuing under the hot scorching sun for up to an average of 8 hours to pay their tribute to Mr Lee.

The Heartbreaking scene when the late Mr Lee was moved from the Istana to the Parliament House

Singaporeans braving the heat and long queues to pay their respect

We can't deny the fact that Singaporeans really respect the things Mr Lee has done for us, with the queues soon stretch from the Parliament House all the way across Raffles Place, Boat Quay, Clarke Quay and towards Fort Canning Hill.

50年前李光耀先生团结了新加坡, 50年候新加坡因为他而团结了。It's really heart warming to know that Mr Lee united Singapore 50 years ago, and now 50 years later we Singaporeans unite together as one because of Him.

Went over to SengKang Community Centre to write down our tribute to the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew. The atmosphere there was filled with nothing but sadness. Something the nation haven't felt in a long long time.

Monday 23 March 2015

The Passing of Singapore Founding Father - Lee Kuan Yew

Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's very own founding father has passed away peacefully on 23rd March 2015 at the Singapore General Hospital. Suddenly, everyone seems so down after hearing of his passing, afterall we can't deny the fact that he delicate his whole life to transform Singapore from a fishing village to where it is today, a first world country admired by many across the world. 

I believe we will never forget him and we shall forever be grateful. 做人要饮水思源. When one drinks water, one must not forget where it comes from.

The particular scene where he planted his last kiss to his late wife has etched deeply in my heart. Don't you think it's always bitter sweet watching videos showing the stories of the couple.

Sunday 22 March 2015

Our 2D1N Trip to Melaka - Day 2

Time always passes by so fast whenever we are here at Melaka, how I wish we can spend more time here, perhaps 3D2N rather than just 2D1N. Hmm.. nevermind, there will always be another time and I believe soon it will be that we visit Melaka again lalala. 

Today's breakfast at Hatten Hotel seems to be below standard as compared to the previous times we had the breakfast over here. Such a huge disappointment to be exact. Know dear like to go swimming so we head over to the pool again for a swim before checking out.

Went over to McDonald to have our lunch today; yummy yummy spicy chicken over here at Malaysia. After which we went to the Arcade to play some old school Daytona racing games, sniper shooting and basketball throwing. Lalala so yi kai today. 

Relax over at Caffè bene cafe just right beside Hatten Hotel before our coach bus arrives. Yummy Yummy single Coffee Bingsu that is filled with the delicious coffee gelato ice cream, coco crunch & nuts at the top, red beans in the middle and shaven ice at the bottom of it. The Choco Devil Brownie is so tasty too which I find it weird that it is not on the menu.

- Single Coffee Bingsu @ RM12.80 -

- Hot Choco Devil Brownie @ RM18.80 -

Saturday 21 March 2015

Our 2D1N Trip to Melaka - Day 1

Lalala I'm so happy today because we are finally going to Melaka again. Woke up at 6am plus to prepare and set off to Lapan Lapan 88 @ Farrer Park to collect our bus tickets and have our breakfast at McDonald's ^_^ Loving my dear dear so much.

Felt so happy to be with dear and travel around with dear on short trips hehe. Love seeing how dear fell asleep hugging the pillow beside me throughout this long journey from Singapore to Melaka ^_^ Lalala we are finally here at Melaka and I am so hungry from the long journey even though I had some Otah and my favorite Magnum Ice Cream hehe. 

Head over to Restoran Nyonya Suan to satisfy our cravings for Peranakan food today. Lalala I am so loving the food here, it's just so nice compared to the other restaurants that we tried before previously. I am so spoiled with so many delicious food today.

Afterwhich we head back to the hotel to check-in and head out for a walk at the Hatten Mall just beside the Hatten Hotel. Lalala I got the LEGO Star Wars Clone Turbo Tank Microfighter from the Toys R Us today ^_^ So happy to be carrying a toy in my hands while walking from the Hatten Mall to Jonker Street with dear. Lalala Lalala I am so happy today. Hehe I get to snap another photo of dear standing infront of the Christ Church Melaka again and we sat down to enjoy a nice bowl of Chendol too ^_^

- My beautiful girlfriend standing before the Christ Church of Melaka -

After getting the Kopi-O merchandise from San Shu Gong, we walked back to the hotel to have a swim before heading out to Jonker Street for a walk. Lalala I love to see how dear is enjoying herself when in the swimming pool de hehe. I really like Melaka alot, and how beautiful Jonker Walk is at night during every weekends ^_^

Afterwhich we had our dinner over at Restoran Ban Lee Siang for our long craving of the Satay Lok Lok. I love this so so much. I don't get why people think that it is unhygenie at all because it's just so delicious hehe ^_^

Me so Yi Kai today because we are finally here at Melaka and I got a new LEGO toy too but I am also Yi Qi today because I fell asleep early after feeling so tired from the swim earlier on.

Saturday 14 March 2015

Post Birthday Celebration

It's a stay home Saturday for us today, as we only left the house to collect dear de medical report from Boon Keng and have our Mac breakfast there before heading back home. Stayed home to touch up on the rest of my group assignment that have been giving me quite a headache due to the uncooperative group member who just wouldn't upload her work till the very last minute. 

I didn't know I was in for a surprise tonight for my birthday as the plan that I knew of was that we are meeting up with dear's friends like Val, Elaine, Jess etc at the Ice Edge Cafe for some ice cream. Initially wanted to leave home to go Serangoon NEX mall for our dinner first and walk walk abit but then Tessa so poor thing alone at home after my brother bring Yoda out to god knows where so we ended up staying put at home to accompany Tessa.

I was so so so hungry by the time it was around 9.30pm as we set off to the Ice Edge Cafe. Got a shock when I saw Yong Ming appearing out of nowhere but then I didn't really suspect anything since dear already shown me the LINE message of her and Val on the meet up tonight. Was surprise when I saw the whole gang entering into the Ice Edge Cafe with a cake and a very scary numerical 3 0 candle on the cake itself. I didn't expect them of all people since we hardly meet up these days. Was really happy to receive this surprise, though I am really really hungry by the time they pop in past 10pm. I was so embarrassed when they started singing the birthday song and shouted out my age. 

Never expect dear will liaise with my friends to give me this little surprise at all. Lalala so Yi Kai tonight to receive this surprise, a cake and a card with all their wishes to me ^_^

Really blessed to have all these friends and my girlfriend by my side all these while. Really glad that majority of them put in their efforts to meet up for my sake although we are still missing one more friend (Low Wei) whom I think have forgotten about us. Thereafter we head over to Frenzie Bar at the @Punggol for some drinks before heading back home. A wonderful night for me ^_^

Friday 13 March 2015

The Day After.

Today is a special day too. You know why? Because it's one day after my birthday hehe. I dislike Friday alot ever since my class is fixed on every Friday since the beginning of the year. Dear having training tonight too so we are unable to meet up with each other till later at night. 

Took bus to Plaza Singapura after my work to see if there are anything for me to chew on before class starts but nothing seems to tempt me at all. Hehe until I saw the cheap cheap Star Wars Lego minifigures that I been looking for, which is the C3PO and Admiral Ackbar lalala. Really scared that dear will scold me for buying LEGO toys again but today is one day after my birthday so dear cannot scold me de :p

Gosh I am so tired that I kept on dozing off in class tonight. Lalala dear finally meet up with me at Wilkie Edge as we head over to Swee Choon for our late night dim sum for dinner. Yummy Yummy good food and getting to walk with dear down Little India and seeing how she always run to chase after the bus never fails to make me smile every single time. Lalala ^_^

Thursday 12 March 2015

My 30th Birthday

I had a very happy birthday celebration that kept a smile on my face throughout the day even throughout the day even though I am working today. Haven't really got the time to meet the girlfriend for lunch ever since I started working here at TM. So I am really really happy that she is on leave today and came down to meet me for lunch ^_^ My Birthday lunch with the girlfriend.

I couldn't wait to be with the girlfiend again so imagine how fast I exited from the office to meet her at ION Orchard. Lalala my girlfriend is treating me French food for my birthday tonight ^_^ Lalala and I got a birthday present from her again tonight hehe so shy ^_^ Lalala I got another Abercrombie & Fitch (A&F) shirt from my girlfriend tonight.

Really enjoy having dinner with dear and holding her hands just walking down Orchard Road before we head back home. Although I only get to celebrate my birthday when I finish work but I am really very happy tonight. Lalala It's time for my Jelly Hearts cake that dear got for my birthday and my mum is beside me to celebrate my birthday for me too. Thank u dear dear for loving me ^_^

Wednesday 11 March 2015

My Pre Birthday Present Again

Lalala I have yet another Pre Birthday present from my girlfriend tonight after a day at work. My dear love me so much that she got me another birthday present for this year. My first LEGO Star Wars #75079 Shadow Troopers. I love the mini figures so much hehe, my Emperor Shadow Guard and Shadow Troopers are so cute ^_^ 

Shadow Guards: "Serving no one but the Emperor himself"
Clone Troopers: "Within the shadow we live. Within the shadow we wait. Within the shadow qw trike. We are the shadow troopers. 

Monday 9 March 2015

A New Beginning

Today is my first day of work over at Tokio Marine (Life Insurance) Singapore. A new phrase of my career just start from here, and I hope for nothing but success. Really happy that I managed to get this Compliance job after so many times of trying and trying again. I guess sometimes having a "Never Say Die" attitude and thick skin face does help in searching for the job that we want ^_^ 

I can't wait to don on the TM staff pass and announced myself as one of the employee here. Thanks to my girlfriend who have been by my side all these while, and to all my friends who wish me the best of luck over in Facebook and Instagram too. I know I can do it ^_^

Lucky that everything went on smoothly on the first day and my new colleagues all seems pretty okay and friendly too. Lunch today was just packed food from the Amoy Street Hawker that majority of the white collars around this area patron at. What a crowded little Tanjong Pagar.

Friday 6 March 2015

A little surprise that made me sm:)e

It's Friday now, and I have been a pig pig after sleeping in till 10.30am before I force myself to wake up. Lalala I am meeting the girlfriend for lunch today at Raffles Place ^_^ It's always so happy to see her no matter how many times we meet in a week. I am a happy man again, we are eating my favourite Curry Chicken Bee Hoon today lalala lalala.

My favourite food at Raffles Place ^_^

Afterwhich we walk around Raffles Place before dear have to head back to work :) I have a happy lunch today lalala. Thereafter I head over to the Starbucks to finish up on the rest of my presentation for tonight's class till the girlfriend off work. Dear so good can go home while I head over to class reluctantly. 

Little do I know that there will be a surprise waiting for me at home tonight hehe. I was so happy when I saw the gift wrapped present just on top of the television. I can still recall seeing it for the first time and zooming in to see if the present was for me. And when I saw that it was for me, I was jumping in joy that dear got me my early birthday present tonight ^_^ Lalala lalala. 

My first ever TIE Advanced Prototype with The Inquisitor LEGO mini figure in it :)

Thursday 5 March 2015

Happy Thursday - Movie Marathon

Well, I consider today the beginning of the last few days of my happy long rest week with the girlfriend having to start work tomorrow. Today we're heading out to town in our Abercrombie & Fitch (A&F) couple t-shirts ^_^ Loving the way we dress today hehe. 

Today was supposed to be the day I have my air-con service, but due to the people actually coming down unprepared with proper equipments, nothing can be done. Guess I just got to wait till Saturday to get it fixed :(

Lalala head out with dear to Serangoon NEX Mall to have our lunch of Fried Mee Siam at our favourite stall before we go over to Orchard ^_^ I am a happy man yet again as we head over to Town area and got the movie tickets for the movie "Chappie" as well as the movie "Triumph in the Skies / 衝上雲霄" that dear been wanting to watch since before Chinese New Year.

After watching the funny and action packed movie "Chappie", we head over to Somerset 313 to rest our feets over a cup of Mocha Frapp, Chicken Pie and Oreo Cheese Cake ^_^ Yummy Yummy. Hmm, I think the movie "Chappie" have its own share of humor in it and that the interaction between the character "Chappie" and the actors leaves one feeling heartfelt. But then again, although the idea of the movie is good but I think it seems to be all over the place and the movie is really forgettable :(

And here we go on our second movie for the day "Triumph in the Skies / 衝上雲霄" ^_^ which I think is not too bad when it comes to telling the lives of the cabin crews BUT the movie doesn't quite shows each character development. To be honest, I didn't expect it to be so much of a romantic flick judging from the movie poster :p

Lalala I got my second purchase from Abercrombie & Fitch (A&F) today and it's a really cheap deal to get this muscle fir henley for just S$28 ^_^ Really love to shop here as compared to TopMan or H&M because A&F's material is really much better and some of the items are actually cheaper when you compared the prices.

Lalala head over to Ayam Penyet Ria for our dinner today. I think it's been quite some time since we came here for dinner again, and like always this will be the place we settle our dinner at without fail. There is no better place to have our dinner at than here; cheap and yummy food. Loving our today's date so much of us holding hands, watching movie, relax over at Starbucks hehe :)

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Brunch & Beach Day with Doggies

Lalala It's the start of the long holiday for me and dear dear as she took PM leave to accompany me today. Yeah it's gonna be a happy day today ^_^ Woke up and prepare the items for our picnic with the doggies later on at Tanjong Beach, Sentosa. Took the doggies on a road trip to pick up dear dear at Potong Pasir before we went over to the cafe at Opal Crescent for our Brunch together with them lalala.

Yummy Yummy food is coming our way lo ^_^ I think their TomYum Pasta here is really nice but then I still prefer the Paw PetRadise at Balestier since Yoda and Tessa prefer the doggie food there too.

- My favorite Truffle Fries -

It's been a long time since I sip on a cup of Cappuccino

 - Yoda and Tessa de Chicken Sausage & Potato Pasta -

Lalala Let's set off to Tanjong Beach at Sentosa lo ^_^ lalala it's gonna be a tiring but enjoyable trip today. Loving the bright sunny day today, we are so so gonna be enjoying ourselves playing with Yoda and Tessa in the water.

After spending half a day at the beach, me and dear went back home to change into our new clothes before heading out to catch a movie at NEX Mall. But too bad we didn't managed to watch the "Triumph in the Skies / 衝上雲霄" movie due to that side de staffs all naughty naughty rude to us de. So in the end me and dear went over to Ang Mo Kio Hub to watch another movie "From Vegas to Macau / 賭城風雲Ⅱ" instead.