Thursday 12 March 2015

My 30th Birthday

I had a very happy birthday celebration that kept a smile on my face throughout the day even throughout the day even though I am working today. Haven't really got the time to meet the girlfriend for lunch ever since I started working here at TM. So I am really really happy that she is on leave today and came down to meet me for lunch ^_^ My Birthday lunch with the girlfriend.

I couldn't wait to be with the girlfiend again so imagine how fast I exited from the office to meet her at ION Orchard. Lalala my girlfriend is treating me French food for my birthday tonight ^_^ Lalala and I got a birthday present from her again tonight hehe so shy ^_^ Lalala I got another Abercrombie & Fitch (A&F) shirt from my girlfriend tonight.

Really enjoy having dinner with dear and holding her hands just walking down Orchard Road before we head back home. Although I only get to celebrate my birthday when I finish work but I am really very happy tonight. Lalala It's time for my Jelly Hearts cake that dear got for my birthday and my mum is beside me to celebrate my birthday for me too. Thank u dear dear for loving me ^_^

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