Sunday 22 March 2015

Our 2D1N Trip to Melaka - Day 2

Time always passes by so fast whenever we are here at Melaka, how I wish we can spend more time here, perhaps 3D2N rather than just 2D1N. Hmm.. nevermind, there will always be another time and I believe soon it will be that we visit Melaka again lalala. 

Today's breakfast at Hatten Hotel seems to be below standard as compared to the previous times we had the breakfast over here. Such a huge disappointment to be exact. Know dear like to go swimming so we head over to the pool again for a swim before checking out.

Went over to McDonald to have our lunch today; yummy yummy spicy chicken over here at Malaysia. After which we went to the Arcade to play some old school Daytona racing games, sniper shooting and basketball throwing. Lalala so yi kai today. 

Relax over at Caffè bene cafe just right beside Hatten Hotel before our coach bus arrives. Yummy Yummy single Coffee Bingsu that is filled with the delicious coffee gelato ice cream, coco crunch & nuts at the top, red beans in the middle and shaven ice at the bottom of it. The Choco Devil Brownie is so tasty too which I find it weird that it is not on the menu.

- Single Coffee Bingsu @ RM12.80 -

- Hot Choco Devil Brownie @ RM18.80 -

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