Friday 13 March 2015

The Day After.

Today is a special day too. You know why? Because it's one day after my birthday hehe. I dislike Friday alot ever since my class is fixed on every Friday since the beginning of the year. Dear having training tonight too so we are unable to meet up with each other till later at night. 

Took bus to Plaza Singapura after my work to see if there are anything for me to chew on before class starts but nothing seems to tempt me at all. Hehe until I saw the cheap cheap Star Wars Lego minifigures that I been looking for, which is the C3PO and Admiral Ackbar lalala. Really scared that dear will scold me for buying LEGO toys again but today is one day after my birthday so dear cannot scold me de :p

Gosh I am so tired that I kept on dozing off in class tonight. Lalala dear finally meet up with me at Wilkie Edge as we head over to Swee Choon for our late night dim sum for dinner. Yummy Yummy good food and getting to walk with dear down Little India and seeing how she always run to chase after the bus never fails to make me smile every single time. Lalala ^_^

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