Monday 2 March 2015


Lalala the most happiest and luckiest thing that ever happened to me throughout my 3 years plus in the Company was getting to know my girlfriend. I can still remember the first photo of us during the Company's Dinner and Dance where I wore as the character of Robin Hood and her as a Fairy hehe. Subsequently, our first decent 2 person meal together at the restaurant over at Changi City Point and the photo of us having ice cream that went viral lalala. I really love attending all the Company functions together with her and having her by my side all the time. I am really sad when I shut down my computer and walk out of the company today, knowing that I can no longer lync with her or getting to hear her voice as she called in to ask about some cases T.T I know I am a Sha Dan because tears drop when I was on my way home in the bus.

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