Saturday 14 March 2015

Post Birthday Celebration

It's a stay home Saturday for us today, as we only left the house to collect dear de medical report from Boon Keng and have our Mac breakfast there before heading back home. Stayed home to touch up on the rest of my group assignment that have been giving me quite a headache due to the uncooperative group member who just wouldn't upload her work till the very last minute. 

I didn't know I was in for a surprise tonight for my birthday as the plan that I knew of was that we are meeting up with dear's friends like Val, Elaine, Jess etc at the Ice Edge Cafe for some ice cream. Initially wanted to leave home to go Serangoon NEX mall for our dinner first and walk walk abit but then Tessa so poor thing alone at home after my brother bring Yoda out to god knows where so we ended up staying put at home to accompany Tessa.

I was so so so hungry by the time it was around 9.30pm as we set off to the Ice Edge Cafe. Got a shock when I saw Yong Ming appearing out of nowhere but then I didn't really suspect anything since dear already shown me the LINE message of her and Val on the meet up tonight. Was surprise when I saw the whole gang entering into the Ice Edge Cafe with a cake and a very scary numerical 3 0 candle on the cake itself. I didn't expect them of all people since we hardly meet up these days. Was really happy to receive this surprise, though I am really really hungry by the time they pop in past 10pm. I was so embarrassed when they started singing the birthday song and shouted out my age. 

Never expect dear will liaise with my friends to give me this little surprise at all. Lalala so Yi Kai tonight to receive this surprise, a cake and a card with all their wishes to me ^_^

Really blessed to have all these friends and my girlfriend by my side all these while. Really glad that majority of them put in their efforts to meet up for my sake although we are still missing one more friend (Low Wei) whom I think have forgotten about us. Thereafter we head over to Frenzie Bar at the @Punggol for some drinks before heading back home. A wonderful night for me ^_^

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