Friday 6 March 2015

A little surprise that made me sm:)e

It's Friday now, and I have been a pig pig after sleeping in till 10.30am before I force myself to wake up. Lalala I am meeting the girlfriend for lunch today at Raffles Place ^_^ It's always so happy to see her no matter how many times we meet in a week. I am a happy man again, we are eating my favourite Curry Chicken Bee Hoon today lalala lalala.

My favourite food at Raffles Place ^_^

Afterwhich we walk around Raffles Place before dear have to head back to work :) I have a happy lunch today lalala. Thereafter I head over to the Starbucks to finish up on the rest of my presentation for tonight's class till the girlfriend off work. Dear so good can go home while I head over to class reluctantly. 

Little do I know that there will be a surprise waiting for me at home tonight hehe. I was so happy when I saw the gift wrapped present just on top of the television. I can still recall seeing it for the first time and zooming in to see if the present was for me. And when I saw that it was for me, I was jumping in joy that dear got me my early birthday present tonight ^_^ Lalala lalala. 

My first ever TIE Advanced Prototype with The Inquisitor LEGO mini figure in it :)

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