Tuesday 30 September 2014

Tuesday lunch with dear

Dear Dear is on her study leave le so she came over to Tampines to meet me for lunch :) Went over to Tampines 1 foodcourt to have her favourite Tomyam Ban Mian before we go walk walk together. Lalala so Yi Kai. Went to get KOI to drink too before walking around Tampines Mall as well as ToysRus. Hehe we spent so much money on the LINEFriends de Capsule Vending Machine to get our hands on the dust caps :)


Monday 29 September 2014

Day Trip to JB - 100 Doraemon secret gadgets EXPO

Took leave together with dear today as we head over to Johor Bahru for our Bak Kut Teh and for dear to enquiry about her Great Eastern insurance :) Lalala me so Yi Kai cos it's been some time since we went to JB for our makan session. 

Shun Fa Bak Kut Teh @ Jalan Keris

- Ginger Wine Chicken (Jiang Jiu Ji) -

- Bak Kut Teh -

- Assam Fish -

Went over to the 100 Doraemon secret gadgets EXPO which will be held over at City Square from 30th August 2014 to 04th January 2015 ^_^ Each pax cost RM25.00 which is pretty reasonable cos to me, it all about creating memories with dear hehe ^_^

Sunday 28 September 2014

A Day without you

Went over to Serangoon NEX mall to have breakfast with dear before she left to meet up with her mummy at Sentosa to bring her out to the Sea Aquarium :) While I went over to buy some fishes and aquarium plants from the Jalan Kayu area. A day without dear by my side really seems so abnormal and I really not used to spending day without hearing dear dear de smile and seeing her just right by my side. 

Stayed home to change the bedsheet, clean up the bunny cage and also play the Playstation 4 Infamous 2 - Second Son till it's almost 7pm plus. (-_-") How can I forget that I need to eat my dinner. Went over to Kovan Food Centre to get my regular Curry Chicken Beehoon and Watermelon juice before heading back home to continue playing my game again :p 

Look at our big family after a cleaning up session

Saturday 27 September 2014

Judgement Day - Strategic Mgt Supp Paper

It's the second judgement day for me as today is the supplementary exam for the Strategic Management that I failed by 3 marks T.T Can't believe it is happening to me on the last trimester. Really got to pass this exam coz it's either the end of everything or the beginning of yet another long journey :( I have to pass it!

Lalala took a half day PM leave today so that I can study for the exam later on as well as meet dear dear for lunch at Raffles Place :) Hehe I like the curry chicken beehoon over here ^_^

Big bowl for me and small bowl for dear dear :p

Decided to settle down at the Starbucks at Plaza Sing to mug for the exam later on since dear will be going to MDIS for her make up tutorial class straight after work too. Mug & Mug & Mug; I only hope I can write rational abit later on because time is so short for us to even think and construct our work. 

Lalala dear dear came to wait for me at Plaza Sing so that we can have our dinner together at Tim Ho Wan ^_^ Me so Yi Kai. No point thinking about the exam that is over anyway.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Judgement Day - KOL Supp Paper

Took MC today to stay home and do my last minute mugging for the Knowledge & Organizational Learning supplementary exam later on at night. Still couldn't believe I actually fail by 4 marks T.T Lucky dear dear have been very supportive and accompanied to study on most days :) 

Pray hard that my hard work didn't go to waste.

Monday 22 September 2014

Monday Blues - No time to study

Today me not Yi Kai in the office because I can't find any free time for me to study for tomorrow's Knowledge and Organizational Learning supplementary exam at all. There are just too many work to be done, as well as the backlog over the past few days. 

Dear got department meeting today too so we can't meet straight away after work de.. Tsk Tsk de.. So I took bus 72 home to mug for tomorrow's exam. Hehe it will be so nice if I can fetch my dear from work right :p and so I took the car and went to fetch dear from Finlayson Green as we have our dinner over at the Old Town White Coffee @ Big Splash. Sadly, the service over there is getting from bad to worse, and their coffee is really tasteless :(

Me is a Yi Kai man cos I have dear right beside me as I study for the exam for tomorrow ^_^

Yoda & Tessa Birthday @ Paw Pet-radise

Today we're gonna be celebrating both Yoda and Tessa birthday at Paw Pet-radise together with my mum and my girlfriend :) It's their Post Birthday celebration cos Yoda birthday falls on 15th September, and Tessa Birthday falls on the 20th of September. Been planning for a repeat trip back here ever since the first time we tasted their Ham & Mushroom in White Sauce. 
Although the place seems to be a little quiet on a lazy Sunday, it really provides the privacy for our two timid doggies to run around the area. I guess the only time they really stop was when their food arrived on our table. 
Ordered quite a number of food today as it was my mum's first time here and I really wanted her to try out the food here. But of cos we didn't neglect the girls; just look at the Pork Meat Balls and Beef Pasta for them.
- Overview of the whole menu -

- Tessa advertising for Paw Pet-radise too :p -

- Pork Meat Balls & Beef Pasta for the doggies -

 - We just had to decorate their food nicely for them in the bowls provided -

I love their nicely marinated fried mid-wings ($5.90)

My favourite Ham & Mushroom in White Sauce Pasta ($12.90)

We love the Tom Yum Seafood Pasta ($14.90) cos the sauce is so nicely done

Baked Salmon which is pretty good too

- Me with Tessa & Yoda -

- Me & my mum and the doggies -

- Dear with Tessa -

It will always take more than a single shot to really snap a decent picture of the two naughty girls. Erm I am referring to Tessa and Yoda of cos hehe :p

Sunday 21 September 2014

JunYao wedding & 麻辣火锅 @ Val House

My girlfriend is so beautiful today with her new haircut and new dress hehe ^_^ Head over to Junyao's Church Wedding at Queenstown Baptist Church on a Saturday morning. It's always so blissful to be able to see couples get together so well despite the occasional quarrels, and thereafter settle down and start a family :) I can't wait to propose to dear, apply for a Build-To-Order (BTO) house and thereafter start a family of our own together. Lalala.

After attending the wedding, we went over to Jurong Point to look for MeiHui as well as to study for my upcoming Supplementary exams at Starbucks. Feel abit Yi Shang when at the bank cos of one of the banker there but then felt better after awhile. Me love my dear dear alot alot de.. 

Head over to Val house for our 麻辣火锅 session at their little warm & cozy house. Had such a great time over there eating, playing with Da Niu, and watching tv together. I really love the feeling of living together under the same roof :) So Xing Fu. 

- Me after a make-over by Danielle -

Saturday 20 September 2014

Our Nitendo 3DS XL

Waited for so long for work to end so that I can finally head off and see dear again. Lalala me feel so happy whenever its time to meet up with dear again. Meet up with dear as we head over to Bedok Point for our dinner at our favourite Chicken Hotpot ^_^ 

Lalala walk around Bedok Mall for awhile and bought our new gadget; the Nitendo 3DS XL ^_^ hehe so Yi Kai cos dear dear bought the Pokemon Y game for me to play too. Hehe me so Yi Kai lalala. 

Lalala dear got me the Charmander Pokemon de lego blocks for me to play with tonight too and I am so hapy now de. Lalala me got my new Wan Ju le hehe

Thursday 18 September 2014

Tired but Happy :)

It's been a tiring week for me due to the preparing of notes for the upcoming exam, as well as the continuous mugging in the office. I feel so tired everyday and all I wish for is work to end fast where I can get to see dear faster. Getting to see dear everyday is all I asked for now other than going to work and doing what had to be done. 

Dear is so sweet to me by asking me to head back home first while she travel around buying dinner back for me. I love her so much. Love to bring Mao Mao and Yoda down for short walk around the neighbourhood and prepare their dinner for them too. They seems so happy ever since dear came to my house to play with them :)

- Mao Mao @ the playground -

- Yoda waiting patiently for her dinner -

- Mao Mao looking cute -

- The dinner that we prepared for them -

- Good Night everyone -