Monday 22 September 2014

Monday Blues - No time to study

Today me not Yi Kai in the office because I can't find any free time for me to study for tomorrow's Knowledge and Organizational Learning supplementary exam at all. There are just too many work to be done, as well as the backlog over the past few days. 

Dear got department meeting today too so we can't meet straight away after work de.. Tsk Tsk de.. So I took bus 72 home to mug for tomorrow's exam. Hehe it will be so nice if I can fetch my dear from work right :p and so I took the car and went to fetch dear from Finlayson Green as we have our dinner over at the Old Town White Coffee @ Big Splash. Sadly, the service over there is getting from bad to worse, and their coffee is really tasteless :(

Me is a Yi Kai man cos I have dear right beside me as I study for the exam for tomorrow ^_^

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