Sunday 21 September 2014

JunYao wedding & 麻辣火锅 @ Val House

My girlfriend is so beautiful today with her new haircut and new dress hehe ^_^ Head over to Junyao's Church Wedding at Queenstown Baptist Church on a Saturday morning. It's always so blissful to be able to see couples get together so well despite the occasional quarrels, and thereafter settle down and start a family :) I can't wait to propose to dear, apply for a Build-To-Order (BTO) house and thereafter start a family of our own together. Lalala.

After attending the wedding, we went over to Jurong Point to look for MeiHui as well as to study for my upcoming Supplementary exams at Starbucks. Feel abit Yi Shang when at the bank cos of one of the banker there but then felt better after awhile. Me love my dear dear alot alot de.. 

Head over to Val house for our 麻辣火锅 session at their little warm & cozy house. Had such a great time over there eating, playing with Da Niu, and watching tv together. I really love the feeling of living together under the same roof :) So Xing Fu. 

- Me after a make-over by Danielle -

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