Monday 8 September 2014

Dear is sick

Today is a very Yi Shang day because I just got to know that dear dear have not been sleeping well throughout the night plus she woke up in the middle of the night to find out that there was a pool of blood coming out from her nose :'( Me don't want dear dear sick until lidat, Yi Bing until body aching, joint pain and now nose bleed somemore T.T

Went to fetch dear from her home to bring her out for lunch as well as to see the doctor :( Sometimes I feel that no doctor in the world really will put in effort in seeing their patients. To them, we are just a source of income for them. 

We bring Mao Mao and Yoda down for a walk at the nearby playground and park today. Gave them a shower too when we got home. They smell so nice now and they look so happy today :)

Tessa and Yoda

Having a short break at the bench

Tessa and Yoda having a great time together with us :)

Tessa riding on the bike with dear dear :)

Me feeling so emo tonight cos dear became so sick that she can hardly eat these few days too, plus now her body aches all over de. I really wish I can make dear feel better.

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