Thursday 11 September 2014

Simple night with dear & doggies

Meet dear dear at Hougang Mall after a long day at work and went to Kang Kar Mall for our dinner today, so Yi Kai cos I can eat my Thai Style Fish Head and Fan Shu Ye :) I really love the simple dinner and time spent together with dear cos Hen Xing Fu :)

Went back home to prepare the steam chicken for Mao Mao and Yoda to eat for their dinner ^_^ But we bring them down for a walk around the neighbourhood before finally letting them have their long awaited dinner :) So Yi Kai lalala

- Me and Yoda -

Look at how tired Mao Mao and Yoda are after a walk from my house all the way to park nearby that they are resting oredi. So Yi Kai to bring them down so often now than how it used to be. Love to see how both of them are so excited when they know that we are going to bring them out ^_^

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