Saturday 27 September 2014

Judgement Day - Strategic Mgt Supp Paper

It's the second judgement day for me as today is the supplementary exam for the Strategic Management that I failed by 3 marks T.T Can't believe it is happening to me on the last trimester. Really got to pass this exam coz it's either the end of everything or the beginning of yet another long journey :( I have to pass it!

Lalala took a half day PM leave today so that I can study for the exam later on as well as meet dear dear for lunch at Raffles Place :) Hehe I like the curry chicken beehoon over here ^_^

Big bowl for me and small bowl for dear dear :p

Decided to settle down at the Starbucks at Plaza Sing to mug for the exam later on since dear will be going to MDIS for her make up tutorial class straight after work too. Mug & Mug & Mug; I only hope I can write rational abit later on because time is so short for us to even think and construct our work. 

Lalala dear dear came to wait for me at Plaza Sing so that we can have our dinner together at Tim Ho Wan ^_^ Me so Yi Kai. No point thinking about the exam that is over anyway.

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