Friday 12 September 2014

My Exam Results

Well, although I know that not all things will go according to plan at times, I didn't anticipate that I will get these sort of results for my last Trimester for this whole degree course. Really something that I didn't expect, thus the facial expression below. 

 Yi Shang de face

I am really taken aback when I saw the results for the first time. I just had to click on the Hide Results and Show Results again just to be sure my eyes ain't playing tricks with me. I scored a Supplementary Exam (SX) grade for my Strategic Management and Knowledge & Organizational Learning exams. What's ironic is that when I thought that I am so gonna fail my International Marketing, and I passed, and yet I fail the two other exams. T.T 

Can't believe the fact that I fail by a mere margin of 4 marks for the Strategic Management and 3 marks or the Knowledge & Organizational Learning. But then again, what's happened have happened and seriously no use of me crying foul over it other than to study for the supplementary exam which is coming in 2 weeks time. 

Knowledge & Organizational Learning - 23 September 2014 (Tuesday)
Strategic Management - 26 September 2014 (Friday)

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