Sunday 14 September 2014

Our Sunday - Makan @ Kovan :D

It's Sunday again, which means I can eat my Curry Chicken Bee Hoon at Kovan Food Centre liao :) But so unlucky cos the stall is closed for the whole week T.T Walk walk around Kovan with dear holding her hands :) I feel so blissful 

- My Curry Chicken Beehoon from the other stall -

- Dear de Mee Soto that looks like Ajisen Volcano -

Went back home to relax and let dear dear rest rest cos she looks so tired. We didn't managed to bring Mao Mao and Yoda down to walk walk today cos my brother came home early. Argh.. so sian to take out the two books for Strategic Management and Knowledge & Organizational Learning again :(

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